
Coffee and I

Coffee... I miss those moments just sitting, relaxing and sipping that black and bitter liquid and breathing in the heavenly aroma.

For my own good, I have to taper down my consumption of this most wondrous drink. I've been having this health condition wherein it's possible that caffeine has contributed to it. This was one of my fears-- having to stop drinking coffee. The moment the doctor told me that I had to not have it in my system on a daily basis, my world almost collapsed. People might think I'm over reacting but really that's how it went, but I kept it to myself and some close family and friends.

Coffee is a big part of my life ever since. But now I just have to give it up. I still drink a little and mostly decaffeinated  when I get the chance but not how I used to (2-3 mugs daily). I still have to observe for a month if there are any improvements. I hope giving up my favorite drink isn't going to hogwash.

Don't worry coffee dear, we'll meet every once in a while... *slurp* :]

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