
Yoshitomo Nara

Art that sticks in your head are those that stir up something in you. Many say, great art touches the viewer's mind, heart and soul. Yashitomo's Neo-pop pieces will do just that, meddle you like an itch (in a positive way at least). 

Influenced by anime and manga, Yoshitomo Nara's works feature cartoonish wide-eyed children and animals. The juxtaposition of innocence and horror sparks interest to viewers. Although his paintings and sculptures are simple, there's a certain mysterious element that raises curiosity. The angry, annoyed look of the subjects let's one wonder if it might attack you anytime soon if you stare any longer. This unsettling feeling is what makes Nara's art unique and striking. His artworks perfectly fit the saying, "If it's not disturbing, it's not art".

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